Wellness Programs

Wellness Programs

Dr. has created several programs that target patient’s symptoms, complaints and the underlying physiologic processes. These programs may be utilized individually or in combination to suit your needs.

At Vitality Logix we believe that wellness and equilibrium depends on proper function of all the web-like interconnections within your body and their response to both internal and external factors. Therefore, all of our programs incorporate an Integrative Internal Medicine approach to your problem where a broad spectrum of tests are used to identify and screen for a wide range of diseases that may be contributing to your symptoms.

With every program you will undergo a comprehensive physical exam and a broad-spectrum laboratory evaluation to identify internal as well as external pathologies and imbalances. Our custom-made laboratory evaluations consist of tests that were specially selected by Dr. Gizersky and assembled

into panels only available through Vitality Logix.

These panels will evaluate:

  • A variety of hormonal pathways and functions
  • Inflammatory markers
  • Cardiovascular disease markers
  • Selected oncologic screens
  • Infectious etiologies such as Lyme, EBV, Mono
  • Immune function
  • Neurotransmitter function
  • Metabolic function
  • Bone health
  • Other parameters as recommended by Dr. Gizersky

The integration of these tests into your Wellness Program will give Dr. Gizersky insight into how your body functions on multiple levels and will allow you to receive a multi-faceted treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms and correct imbalances to get on the road to wellness and longevity.

Each program includes the full spectrum of Internal Medicine care in addition to the advanced therapeutics aimed at revitalization, vitality, longevity and hormonal balance.